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Curs d’ Aàngles intermedi per ajudar els professionals a desenvolupar i millorar les seves competències professionals.
Adquirir correctament els coneixements gramaticals més importants de l’anglès.
Unitar 1. Questions structure and present tense
Questions forms
Making questions with auxiliaries
Questions words
Present Simple
Making questions
Making negatives
Short answers
Spelling of the third person singular
Present Simple or Continuous
Choosing the correct form
Making statements and negatives
Have / Have got
Unitat 2. Past tense and count and uncount nouns
Past Simple
Making negatives
Making questions
Short answers
Prepositions of time
Time expressions
Past Continuous
Forming the Past Continuous
Past Simple or Continuous
Count and uncount nouns
A and an or some
Expressions of quantity
How much or how many
Unitat 3. Would like, will, going to and present continuous
Verb patterns
Infinitive or –ing
Verbs followed by a to-infinitive or –ing
Would like to (do) or like (doing)
Would you (like)…? Or do you (like)…?
Will, going, to, Present Continuous
Choosing the correct form
Comparative and superlative adjectives
Unitat 4. Present perfect and modals verbs
Present perfect
Making questions
Short answers
Making negatives
Past participles
For or since?
Have to
Making answers
Making positive and negative sentences
Giving advice
Asking for advice
Have to or should?
Using the correct form
Unitat 5. Conditionals
First Conditional
Second Conditional
Third Conditional
Perfect Conditional
Mixed Conditional
Unitat 6. Passive voice and reported speech
The passive
Forming the passive
Making negatives
Making questions
Active and passive
Direct and Reported Speech