L’objectiu principal del curs d’Anglès bàsic és que l’alumne desenvolupi les habilitats pertinents escrites i orals per assolir una competència comunicativa en anglès satisfactòria que li permeti a l’alumne interactuar en diversos escenaris personals, laborals, professionals i acadèmics.
1. Estructura de les oracions en anglès (10 hores)
1.1. Structure
1.2. Pronoun
1.2.1. Personal Pronoun
1.2.2. Possessive Pronoun
1.2.3. Interrogative Pronoun
1.3. Adjective
1.3.1. Descriptive
1.3.2. Demonstrative
1.3.3. Quantitative
1.3.4. Comparative and superlative
1.4. Prepositions
2. Present simple i present continu (10 hores)
2.1. Verb to be
2.2. Gerund
2.3. Present Simple
2.4. Present Continuous
2.5. Verb to have
2.6. Saxon Genitive
2.7. Past Simple
2.8. Past Continuous
2.9. Irregulars verbs
3. Present perfecte (10 hores)
3.1. Verb to do
3.2. Present Perfect
3.2.1. Arxiu multimèdia: “Diferents formes del present i els seus usos”
3.3. Present Perfect continuous
3.4. Future Simple
3.5. Future Continuous
3.6. Future Perfect
4. Passat perfecte i la veu passiva (10 hores)
4.1. Past Perfect
4.1.1. Past Perfect structure and uses
4.2. “By the time”, “On time”, “In time”
4.2.1. Examples
4.3. Modals Verbs
4.3.1. Modal verbs and uses
4.3.2. Modal verbs and other uses Arxiu multimèdia: “Els verbs modals”
4.4. Passive Form
4.4.1. Gramatical Rules
4.4.2. Usos
5. Condicional Perfecte (10 hores)
5.1. Conditional
5.2. Conditional Perfect
5.3. Nouns
5.3.1. Plural Nouns
5.4. Adjectives
5.4.1. Adjectives and the situation
5.5. Adverbs
5.5.1. Adverbs and the situation
5.6. Articles
5.7. Demonstrative Adjectives and demonstrative Pronouns
5.8 Possessive Adjectives and possessive Pronouns
5.9 Interrogative Adjectives and interrogative Pronouns
6. Pronoms personals, preposicions, ‘question tags’ (9 hores)
6.1. Personal Pronouns
6.1.1. Reflexive Pronouns
6.2. Questions and answers
6.3. Question Tags
6.4. Prepositions of time (at, it, on)
6.5. Other Prepositions of time
6.6. Prepositions of place (at, it, on)
6.7. Other Prepositions of place
6.8. Prepositions of movement
Carrer del Comte d’Urgell, 168-170, Entresol 4a, 08036
931 600 157 – 639 610 441
Carrer de Roca Labrador 14, 25003 Lleida
973 273 684-629 465 891
Cursos subvencionats
Carrer Joan Miró 9, Baixos, 25003 Lleida
973 940 040 – 602 254 837