Anglès intermedi

curs anglès intermedi

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60 hores
Treballadors, autònoms i aturats
Fotocòpia DNI/ NIE, Nòmina del mes anterior (treballadors), Rebut d'autònom del mes anterior (autònom), DARDO vigent (aturat)
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Sense horaris fixos
60 hores
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Treballadors, autònoms i aturats
Fotocòpia DNI/ NIE, Nòmina del mes anterior (treballadors), Rebut d'autònom del mes anterior (autònom), DARDO vigent (aturat)


Aquest curs té com a objectiu principal que l’alumne adquireixi correctament els coneixements gramaticals més importants de l’anglès, que van des d’un breu repàs del passat simple fins al present continu, passant pel passat simple (i continu) i/o l’ús de would like o going to, entre altres aspectes. Així mateix, aquest curs té com a objectiu ajudar els professionals a desenvolupar i millorar les competències professionals, ja que l’anglès s’ha convertit en l’idioma principal en l’àmbit laboral.



1. Questions Structure and present tens (10 hores)
1.1. Questions forms
1.1.1. Making questions with auxiliaries
1.1.2. Questions words
1.2. Present Simple
1.2.1. Making questions
1.2.2. Making negatives
1.2.3. Short answers
1.2.4. Spelling of the third-person singular
1.3. Present Simple or Continuous
1.3.1. Choosing the correct form
1.3.2. Making statements and negatives
1.3.3. Have / Have got

2. Past tense and count and uncount nouns (10 hores)
2.1. Past Simple
2.1.1. Making negatives
2.1.2. Making questions
2.1.3. Short answers
2.1.4. Prepositions of time
2.1.5. Time expressions
2.2. Past Continuous
2.2.1. Forming the Past Continuous
2.3. Past Simple or Continuous
2.4. Count and uncount nouns
2.4.1. A and an or some
2.5. Expressions of quantity
2.5.1. How much or how many

3. Would like, will, going to and present continuous (10 hores)
3.1. Verb patterns
3.1.1. Infinitive or –ing
3.1.2. Verbs followed by a to-infinitive or –ing
3.2. Would like to (do) or like (doing)
3.2.1. Would you (like)…? Or do you (like)…?
3.3. Will, going, to, Present Continuous
3.3.1. Choosing the correct form
3.4. Comparative and superlative adjectives
3.4.1. As… es

4. Present perfect and modals verbs (10 hores)
4.1. Present perfect
4.1.1. Making questions
4.1.2. Short answers
4.1.3. Making negatives
4.1.4. Past participles
4.1.5. For or since?
4.2. Have to
4.2.1. Hast to / Doesn’t have to
4.2.2. Making answers
4.2.3. Making positive and negative sentences
4.3. Should
4.3.1. Giving advice
4.3.2. Asking for advice
4.4. Have to or Should?
4.4.1. Using the correct form
4.5. Must

5. Conditionals (10 hores)
5.1. Zero Conditional
5.2. First Conditional
5.3. Second Conditional
5.4. Third Conditional
5.5. Perfect Conditional
5.6. Mixed Conditional
5.7. Wish

6. Passive voice and reported speech (10 hores)
6.1. The passive
6.2. Forming the passive
6.2.1. Making negatives
6.2.2. Making questions
6.3. Active and passive
6.4. Direct and Reported Speech

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